Inspiration, Transformation, and Collaboration.

The Wilmington HOPE Commission

launched a joint venture with Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity in the construction of a 10,700 square-foot facility aptly named the Achievement Center located at 38 Vandever Avenue.

In partnership with state and local government agencies, as well as area non-profits, the Achievement Center serves as an essential hub for the entire community. Our model approach to prisoner reentry is one of a kind in Delaware.

The Achievement Center is uniquely positioned as a multi-agency collaboration, deploying a multi-disciplinary approach to providing a continuum of evidence-based reentry services from a single location.

Reentry Court

The Hope Commission is Delaware’s premier correctional reentry program. It provides comprehensive reentry support services that target crime-causing factors, shown to be predictors of recidivism, for formerly incarcerated high-risk men leaving prison and returning to Wilmington’s most distressed communities.

The Hope Commission provides rehabilitative treatment services and programs designed to promote successful reentry based on research-informed solutions. Risk and needs assessments, cognitive-behavioral therapies, vocational readiness training, educational peer support, behavioral health services, and family–reunification programs are utilized to reduce recidivism and improve safety in the State of Delaware.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

is an evidence-based practice using scientific techniques to reduce risk and recidivism.


Habilitation Empowerment Accountability Therapy (HEAT)

is a promising practice to develop a culturally proficient intervention in prison reentry.


Coming this Fall

HOPE for the City!

HOPE for the City is an initiative of the HOPE Commission to spread hope throughout Delaware neighborhoods and communities. This initiative leverages the strengths of the HOPE Commission re-entry program to create upward mobility for justice-involved program members, family reunification and revitalization through economic development.

Job Readiness and Workforce Development

FREE Training
Every Tuesday 10am-11am
Walk-Ins Welcome

Earn your GED 

FREE Classes
To enroll, contact: (302) 407-3397

Clean Team

To apply, contact: (302) 407-3397

HEALTH for All

FREE Screenings
To learn more, contact: (302) 407-3397

Women’s Reentry

The Women’s Reentry Program provides community-based services to justice-involved women and their families post-release from incarceration, including cognitive behavioral interventions, case management, workforce readiness, and trauma-informed reentry services. The program targets criminogenic factors to reduce recidivism and promote healthy living for adult females post-release.

Services Provider:

  • Job Placement
  • Healthcare Enrollment
  • Housing Referral
  • Child Care Registration
  • Groups Sessions

The Healthy Village at Saint Francis Hospital

701 North Clayton Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19805

Keyanna White
Women’s Reentry Coordinator

The Dover Hope Zone

The Dover Hope Zone is an interdisciplinary justice reinvestment initiative of The Hope Commission in partnership with The Wesley College of Health & Behavioral Sciences and Delaware State University. The Dover Hope Zone will provide community-based reentry services to justice-involved individuals residing in the 19901 and 19904 zip codes.

  • Community Prevention & Intervention

  • Dover Reentry Court

  • Case Management

  • Cognitive Behavioral Intervention

  • Workforce Development

  • Peer Mentoring

  • Referral Services


Dover Hope Zone

5 North Bradford Street

Dover, Delaware 19901


Contact the HOPE Commission

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